I'll sleep on this hill... 2204_I'll-sleep-on-this-hill_BS.jpg

I'll sleep on this hill...

Plotting my escape... 2203_Plotting-my-escape_FG.jpg

Plotting my escape...

I will keep growing... 2203_I-will-keep-growing_NS.jpg

I will keep growing...

I wait and begin... 2204_I-wait-and-begin_NS.jpg

I wait and begin...

Exposed all winter... 2203_Exposed-all-winter_NS.jpg

Exposed all winter...

Woven into breath... 2203_Woven-into-breath_NS.jpg

Woven into breath...

My mind drifting in... 2203_My-mind-drifting-in_NS.jpg

My mind drifting in...

For Theodore Roethke... 2203_For-Theodore-Roethke_NS.jpg

For Theodore Roethke...

The hawk makes his rounds... 2203_The-hawk-makes-his-rounds_BS.jpg

The hawk makes his rounds...

The life that's hidden... 2203_The-life-thats-hidden_GB.jpg

The life that's hidden...

February night... 2203_February-night_TR.jpg

February night...

The sun through the trees... 2203_The-sun-through-the-trees_FG.jpg

The sun through the trees...

Cold, blue, moonless night... 2203_Cold-blue-moonless-night_GS.jpg

Cold, blue, moonless night...

Here I am, out cold... 2203_Here-I-am-out-cold_GS.jpg

Here I am, out cold...

The mystery weaver. 2111_The-mystery-weaver_TR.jpg

The mystery weaver.

A crush of singing... 2111_A-crush-of-singing_NS.jpg

A crush of singing...

November forest... 2111_November-forest_NS.jpg

November forest...

What is not changed is lost. 2111_What-is-not-changed-is-lost_NS.jpg

What is not changed is lost.

Love returns to me... 2111_Love-returns-to-me_TR.jpg

Love returns to me...

Oh, to have a dream... 2111_Oh-to-have-a-dream_FG.jpg

Oh, to have a dream...

Clouds lit by the moon... 2111_Clouds-lit-by-the-moon_GB.jpg

Clouds lit by the moon...

The talisman. 2111_The-talisman_GS.jpg

The talisman.

I count every wonder. 2111_I-count-every-wonder_GS.jpg

I count every wonder.

High on a roof peak... 2111_High-on-a-roof-peak_NS.jpg

High on a roof peak...

Owls live in these woods... 2111_Owls-live-in-these-woods_NS.jpg

Owls live in these woods...

Talking to myself... 2111_Talking-to-myself_GB.jpg

Talking to myself...

Always a surprise... 2111_Always-a-surprise_NS.jpg

Always a surprise...

The confiding night... 2111_The-confiding-night_NS.jpg

The confiding night...

A Goodbye... 2111_A-goodbye_NS.jpg

A Goodbye...

The wave. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The wave.

I came into being at this moment. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

I came into being at this moment.

The sound of singing... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The sound of singing...

The joy of being found. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The joy of being found.

The Mute Swan. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The Mute Swan.

Jupiter hangs there... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Jupiter hangs there...

Lily pads scattered... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Lily pads scattered...

The window lights up... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The window lights up...

A crow on the roof... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

A crow on the roof...

True Spring. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

True Spring.

Wings at rest. Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Wings at rest.

The evening field... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

The evening field...

As bumblebees buzz... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

As bumblebees buzz...

Built with gentle beaks... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Built with gentle beaks...

Waking and thinking... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Waking and thinking...

Asleep in the woods... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Asleep in the woods...

A goldfinch singing... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

A goldfinch singing...

Moonrise and moonset... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Moonrise and moonset...

My life, just begun... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

My life, just begun...

Over the blue field... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Over the blue field...

Birds try out their spring songs... 2103_Birds-try-out_NS.jpg

Birds try out their spring songs...

I wrote a letter to you... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

I wrote a letter to you...

We're here together... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

We're here together...

Ducks float in the clouds... 2102_Ducks-float_NS.jpg

Ducks float in the clouds...

Orion tonight... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Orion tonight...

Sun on the river... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Sun on the river...

Moss coming alive... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Moss coming alive...

Surprised by the moon... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Surprised by the moon...

We walk on this path... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

We walk on this path...

All the beloved things. 2007_All-the-beloved-things_FG.jpg

All the beloved things.

Stars heaped like mountains... 2007_Stars-heaped-like-mountains_NS.jpg

Stars heaped like mountains...

The night sky over the forest... 2007_The-night-sky_NS.jpg

The night sky over the forest...

The long overnight, stars in my mind. 2007_The-long-overnight_GB.jpg

The long overnight, stars in my mind.

These indestructible days. 2007_These-indestructible-days_NS.jpg

These indestructible days.

The other end of the universe. 2006_The-other-end-of-the-universe_BS.jpg

The other end of the universe.

The late bloomer. 2006_The-late-bloomer_NS.jpg

The late bloomer.

The edge of the universe. 2006_The-edge-of-the-universe_CG.jpg

The edge of the universe.

The Milky Way. 2007_The-milky-way_FG.jpg

The Milky Way.

The weight of a tiny bird... 2007_The-weight-of-a-tiny-bird_NS.jpg

The weight of a tiny bird...

Fellow traveler. 2006_Fellow-traveler_GS.jpg

Fellow traveler.

Forget where you came from. 2007_Forget-where-you-came-from_GB.jpg

Forget where you came from.

We are not strangers. 2007_We-are-not-strangers_NS.jpg

We are not strangers.

The beauty of imperfection, of still having more to learn. 2006_The-beauty-of-imperfection_FG.jpg

The beauty of imperfection, of still having more to learn.

Inner workings. 2005_Inner-workings_NS.jpg

Inner workings.

Floating in the void... 2005_Floating-in-the-void_FG.jpg

Floating in the void...

An old iron fence... 2005_An-old-iron_fence_GS.jpg

An old iron fence...

The undaunted heart. 2005_The-undaunted-heart_NS.jpg

The undaunted heart.

Sun over the forest. 2005_Sun-over-the-forest_BS.jpg

Sun over the forest.

Dreaming of journeys... 2005_Dreaming-of-journeys_GS.jpg

Dreaming of journeys...

Deep in the forest... 2005_Deep-in-the-forest_NS.jpg

Deep in the forest...

Thunderclouds move in... 2005_Thunderclouds-move-in_GS.jpg

Thunderclouds move in...

The brainstorm. 1911_The-brainstorm_GS.jpg

The brainstorm.

The thought that starts a thousand things. 1911_The-thought_NS.jpg

The thought that starts a thousand things.

Solitary spirits. 1905_Solitary-spirits_GB.jpg

Solitary spirits.

The otherworld. 1709_The-otherworld_TR-2500.jpg

The otherworld.

The keepsake. 1904_The-keepsake_TR-2500.jpg

The keepsake.

The fish. 1711_The-fish_NS-2500.jpg

The fish.

Night transcends. 1803_Night-transcends_GS-2500.jpg

Night transcends.

Having stood in the open air... 1712_Having-stood-in-the-open-air_GS-2500.jpg

Having stood in the open air...

I would tie a wish... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

I would tie a wish...

Yes is the answer. 1711_Yes-is-the-answer_GS-2500.jpg

Yes is the answer.

The judgement. 1807_The-judgement_NS-2500.jpg

The judgement.

At the water's edge... 1904_At-the-waters-edge_GS-2500.jpg

At the water's edge...

Wings folded for sleep... Original watercolor painting by Jennifer Farina.

Wings folded for sleep...

Feather in the leaves... 1905_Feather-in-the-leaves_CG.jpg

Feather in the leaves...

Orion in early March... 1803_Orion-in-early-March_NS-2500.jpg

Orion in early March...

Love will not be squandered. 1708_Love-will-not-be-squandered_GS-2500.jpg

Love will not be squandered.

The message. 1903_The-message_NS-2500.jpg

The message.

Peace in this blue valley. 1907_Peace-in-this-blue-valley_GS.jpg

Peace in this blue valley.

100 billion stars. 1710_100-Billion-stars_GS-2500.jpg

100 billion stars.

Give me your hand. 1906_Give-me-your-hand_NS.jpg

Give me your hand.

My heart in May. 1905_My-heart-in-May_NS.jpg

My heart in May.

All the living things. 1904_All-the-living-things_GS-2500.jpg

All the living things.

The late spring night sky... 1905_The-late-spring-night-sky_NS-2500.jpg

The late spring night sky...

Electric blue sky... 1902_Electric-blue-sky_GS-2500.jpg

Electric blue sky...

On his March birthday... 1903_On-his-March-birthday_NS-2500.jpg

On his March birthday...

Breath. 1905_Breath_NS-2500.jpg


Cherry blossoms fly... 1901_Cherry-blossoms-fly_TR-2500.jpg

Cherry blossoms fly...

Lady in the moon... 1902_Lady-in-the-moon_GS-2500.jpg

Lady in the moon...

In small living things... 1805_In-small-living-things_GS-2500.jpg

In small living things...

Jack Kerouac's lonely life... 1707_Jack-Kerouacs-lonely-life_GS-2500.jpg

Jack Kerouac's lonely life...

My heart is like a wheel. 1804_My-heart-is-like-a-wheel_NS-2500.jpg

My heart is like a wheel.

So thin it could break... 1803_So-thin-it-could-break_BS-2500.jpg

So thin it could break...

Tender life... 1801_Tender-life-beneath-the-ecstatic-moon_GS-2500.jpg

Tender life...

A beautiful poem... 1803_A-beautful-poem_TR-2500.jpg

A beautiful poem...

The wings of small things. 1706_The-wings-of-small-things_GS-2500.jpg

The wings of small things.

The kite. 1711_The-kite_GS-2500.jpg

The kite.

Blue places. 1712_Blue-places_GS-2500.jpg

Blue places.

The pull. 1803_The-pull_BS-2500.jpg

The pull.

Planetary. 1803_Planetary_GS-2500.jpg


New year's sky like flax... 1801_New-years-sky-like-flax_NS-2500.jpg

New year's sky like flax...

A certain slant of light. 1806_A-certain-slant-of-light_GS-2500.jpg

A certain slant of light.
